Happiness: H=He+W+R where: He = Health, W = Wealth, R = Good Relationships. Health: He=Ex+D+S where: Ex = Exercise, D = Diet, S = Sleep. Exercise: Ex=HIRT+Sp+Re where: HIRT = High Intensity Resistance Training, Sp = Sports, Re = Rest. Diet: D=NF+IF+Pl where: NF = Natural Foods, IF = Intermittent Fasting, Pl = Plants. Sleep: S=NA+8−9h+CR where: NA = No alarms, 8−9h = 8-9 hours, CR = Circadian rhythms. Wealth: W=I+W×ROI where: I = Income, ROI = Return on Investment. Income: I=A+L+SK where: A = Accountability, L = Leverage, SK = Specific Knowledge. Accountability: A=PB+PP+TR where: PB = Personal Branding, PP = Personal Platform, TR = Taking Risk. Leverage: L=C+P+IP where: C = Capital, P = People, IP = Intellectual Property. Specific Knowledge: SK=Unique_Ability(Society) where: Unique_Ability(Society) = Knowing how to do something society cannot yet easily train others to do. Return on Investment: ROI=BH+V+MS where: BH = “Buy-and-Hold,” V = Valuation, MS = Margin of Safety.
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